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Home music production

Only one early tape-dubbed track was ever released, called “Origin of Gods” coming from the ’98-02’ demo.
Sagenland – Bosvolk’ EP (coming from the split vinyl with Vargulf)
Meslamtaea – Nihil Vincit Omnia was mixed at home and stem-mastered by Devi Hisgen

Columnist: Floris

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The Color of Rain / Meslamtaea – Nihil Vincit Omnia

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Announcement; Meslamtaea drops a new track

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Announcement; TCOR drops a new track

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Column: To support a label or a band?

Columnist: Ward

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Interview with Bram Bruyneel

Interview: Gerhans

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Thanks to de Schuur for making it possible to record the Podcast at this place.

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Interview with Jo of Babylon Doom Cult Records

Interview: Floris

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Interview with Grafhond.

Interview: Unknown* found lost in the email.